Source code for dkredis.dkredis

Interface to our redis instance.

Redis command reference:


   from dkredis import dkredis
   r = dkredis.connect()
   r.set('foo', 'bar')

Python interface peculiarities are explained here:

The windows version of the redis server that we use is
import os
import pickle

import redis as _redis


[docs] class Timeout(Exception): # pragma: nocover """A timout limit was exceeded. """ def __init__(self, retry=0): super().__init__() self.retry = retry
# class Redis(object): # def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, cn=None): # = host # self.port = port # self.db = db # self._cn = cn # # def _get_connection(self): # """Return a connection to the redis server. # """ # if not self._cn: # self._cn = _redis.StrictRedis( #, # port=self.port, # db=self.db # ) # return self._cn # # @property # def cn(self): # return self._get_connection() # # # class DurationMixin(object): # """Mixin class to set the duration of key lifetimes. # """ # # # class JsonRedis(Redis): # """Redis class that stores and retrieves values serialized as json. # """ # # def __getitem__(self, item): # pass # # def set_pyval(key, val, secs=None, cn=None): # """Store any (picleable) value in Redis. # """ # r = # pval = pickle.dumps(val) # if secs is None: # r.set(key, pval) # else: # r.setex(key, secs, pval) # # def get_pyval(key, cn=None, missing_value=None): # """Get a Python value from Redis. # """ # r = cn or connect() # val = r.get(key) # if val is None: # pragma: nocover # return missing_value # value if key is missing # # print "dkredis:get_pyval:VAL:%s:" % val # return pickle.loads(val) # # def pop_pyval(key, cn=None): # """Get value and remove key. # """ # r = cn or connect() # val = get_pyval(key, cn=r) # r.delete(key) # # with r.pipeline() as p: # # # can't get a val in the middle of a pipeline # # val = get_pyval(key, p) # # p.delete(key) # # p.execute() # return val # # def update(self, key, fn): # """Atomic update of ``key`` with result of ``fn``. # # Usage:: # # r = Redis() # r.set('foo', 40) # r.update('foo', lambda val: val + 2) # r.get('foo') # ==> 42 # # """ # with as p: # while 1: # try: # # --> immediate mode # val = p.get(key) # p.multi() # --> back to buffered mode # newval = fn(val) # p.set(key, newval) # # raises WatchError if anyone has changed `key` # p.execute() # break # success, break out of while loop # except _redis.WatchError: # pragma: nocover # pass # someone else got there before us, retry. # return newval
[docs] def connect(host=None, port=6379, db=0, password=None): """Return a connection to the redis server. """ if host is None: host = os.environ.get('REDIS_HOST', 'localhost') if password is None: password = os.environ.get('REDIS_PASSWORD') return _redis.StrictRedis(host=host, port=port, db=db, password=password)
# def update_binop(binaryfn): # """Utility function for creating binary update functions. # """ # def curry(key, val, cn=None): # return update(key, (lambda v: binaryfn(v, val)), cn=cn) # return curry # # # # Usage: setmax(KEY, val) # # setmin(KEY, val) # setmax = update_binop(max) # setmin = update_binop(min) # # # def setmin_cutoff(cutoff): # """setmin_cutoff(KEY, val, cutoff) # ==> min(r[KEY], val) if less than cutoff # """ # def fn(a, b): # return max(cutoff, min(a, b)) # return update_binop(fn) # # setmin_cut = lambda cut: lambda a, b: update_binop( # lambda a,b: max(cut, min(a, b))) # setmax_cut = lambda cut: lambda a, b: update_binop( # lambda a,b: min(cut, max(a, b))) # # setmin0 = setmin_cut(0) # setmax0 = setmax_cut(0) # # def setmax_cutoff(key, # """setmin_cutoff(KEY, val, cutoff) # ==> max(r[KEY], val) if greater than cutoff # """ # return update_binop(lambda a,b: min(cutoff, max(a, b))) # # # #: set to minimum of # setmin0 = lambda a,b: setmin_cutoff(a, b
[docs] def update(key, fn, cn=None): """Usage :: update(KEY, lambda val: val + 42) """ r = cn or connect() with r.pipeline() as p: while 1: try: # --> immediate mode val = p.get(key) p.multi() # --> back to buffered mode newval = fn(val) p.set(key, newval) p.execute() # raises WatchError if anyone has changed `key` break # success, break out of while loop except _redis.WatchError: # pragma: nocover pass # someone else got there before us, retry. if isinstance(newval, bytes): newval = newval.decode('u8') return newval
[docs] def setmax(key, val, cn=None): """Update key with the max of the current value and `val`:: r[key] := max(r[key], val) returns the maximum value. """ if isinstance(val, str): val = val.encode('u8') return update(key, lambda v: max(v, val), cn=cn)
[docs] def setmin(key, val, cn=None): """Update key with the max of the current value and `val`:: r[key] := min(r[key], val) returns the maximum value. """ if isinstance(val, str): val = val.encode('u8') return update(key, lambda v: min(v, val), cn=cn)
[docs] def set_pyval(key, val, secs=None, cn=None): """Store any (picleable) value in Redis. """ r = cn or connect() pval = pickle.dumps(val, protocol=PICLE_PROTOCOL) if secs is None: r.set(key, pval) else: r.setex(key, secs, pval)
[docs] def get_pyval(key, cn=None, missing_value=None): """Get a Python value from Redis. """ r = cn or connect() val = r.get(key) if val is None: # pragma: nocover return missing_value # value if key is missing # print "dkredis:get_pyval:VAL:%s:" % val return pickle.loads(val)
[docs] def pop_pyval(key, cn=None): """Get value and remove key. """ r = cn or connect() val = get_pyval(key, cn=r) r.delete(key) # with r.pipeline() as p: # # can't get a val in the middle of a pipeline # val = get_pyval(key, p) # p.delete(key) # p.execute() return val
[docs] def remove(key, cn=None): """Remove a key from redis. """ r = cn or connect() r.delete(key)
[docs] def remove_if(key, val, cn=None): """Atomically remove key if it has the value `val`. """ r = cn or connect() lua_script = """ if'GET', KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then return'DEL', KEYS[1]) else return 0 end """ return r.eval(lua_script, 1, key, val)
[docs] def set_dict(key, dictval, secs=None, cn=None): """All values in `dictval` should be strings. They'll be read back as strings -- use `py_setval` to set dicts with any values. """ r = cn or connect() r.hset(key, mapping=dictval) if secs is not None: r.expire(key, secs)
[docs] def get_dict(key, cn=None): """Return a redis hash as a python dict. """ r = cn or connect() res = {} for fieldname in r.hkeys(key): res[fieldname] = r.hget(key, fieldname) return {k.decode('u8'): v.decode('u8') for k, v in res.items()}
[docs] def mhkeyget(keypattern, field, cn=None): """Get a field from multiple hashes. Usage:: >>> r = connect() >>> r.hset('lock.a', {'x': 1}) True >>> r.hset('lock.b', {'x': 2}) True >>> r.hset('lock.c', {'x': 3}) True >>> mhkeyget('lock.*', 'x') {'lock.a': '1', 'lock.c': '3', 'lock.b': '2'} # cleanup >>> #r.delete('lock.a', 'lock.b', 'lock.c') True """ result = {} r = cn or connect() hashes = r.keys(keypattern) for h in hashes: result[h] = r.hget(h, field) # XXX: redis always returns bytes, and we want unicode return {k.decode('u8'): v.decode('u8') for k, v in result.items()}