Source code for dkredis.rediscache

Object cache implementation using redis as a backend.
import pickle
import hashlib
from . import dkredis
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


    def writeln(*args, **kw):
        return print(*args, **kw)
[docs] def writeln(*args, **kw): return None
def _cache_serialize(val): """Serialize a python value to go into the cache. """ return pickle.dumps(val, protocol=PICLE_PROTOCOL) def _cache_unserialize(val): """Unserialize a python value from the cache. """ # return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(val))) return pickle.loads(val)
[docs] class cache: """Python value cache. Usage:: from dkredis.rediscache import cache try: v = cache.get(key) except cache.DoesNotExist: v = mk_object_value(...) cache.put( key, v, duration=secs) # or datetime.duration() you can use a datetime value for the valid_until parameter, or anything the timeperiod.when() function accepts. """
[docs] class DoesNotExist(Exception): "Value not in cache (possibly due to expiration)."
[docs] @staticmethod def rediskey(key): "The redis key is obj-cache. + the md5 hexdigest of its serialization." k = _cache_serialize(key) return "obj-cache:" + hashlib.md5(k).hexdigest()
[docs] @classmethod def ping(cls): r = dkredis.connect()
[docs] @classmethod def remove(cls, key): """Remove key from cache. """ log.debug("CACHE:REMOVE: %r", key) r = dkredis.connect() r.delete(cls.rediskey(key))
[docs] @classmethod def put(cls, key, value, duration=None): """Put ``value`` in cache, under ``key``, for ``duration`` seconds. """ # writeln("CACHE:PUT[%r] = [[%r]] @%r" % (key, value, duration)) log.debug("CACHE:PUT[%r] = [[%r]] @%r", key, value, duration) if duration is None: _duration = 30 * 60 # 30 minutes elif hasattr(duration, 'to_int'): # ttcal.Duration _duration = duration.to_int() # pragma: nocover elif hasattr(duration, 'days') and hasattr(duration, 'seconds'): # datetime.timedelta _duration = duration.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + duration.seconds else: _duration = int(duration) # try int conversion, throws ValueError assert _duration >= 1 # smallest cache duration is +1 second # no need to remove an existing key... # cls.remove(key) k = cls.rediskey(key) v = _cache_serialize(value) r = dkredis.connect() # writeln("....cache:put:setex(%r, %r, %r) for %r" % ( # k, _duration, v, key # )) log.debug("....cache:put:setex(%r, %r, %r) for %r", k, _duration, v, key) r.set(k, v, ex=_duration)
@classmethod def _raw_get(cls, key): r = dkredis.connect() rkey = cls.rediskey(key) log.debug("KEY: %s, TTL: %r", key, r.ttl(rkey)) return r.get(rkey)
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, key): "Fetch value for ``key`` from redis." val = cls._raw_get(key) if val is not None: res = _cache_unserialize(val) # import json # writeln("CACHE:GET(%r) => %s" % (key, json.dumps(res, indent=4))) # writeln("CACHE:GET(%r) => %r" % (key, res)) log.debug("CACHE:GET(%r) => %r", key, res) return res # writeln("CACHE:GET(%r) => NOT-FOUND" % key) log.debug("CACHE:GET(%r) => NOT-FOUND", key) raise cls.DoesNotExist( "Value not in cache (possibly due to expiration).")
[docs] @classmethod def get_value(cls, key, default=None): try: return cls.get(key) except cls.DoesNotExist: return default
[docs] class djangocache: "Django facade to the rediscache."
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls, key, default=None): return cache.get_value(key, default)
[docs] @classmethod def set(cls, key, value, duration): cache.put(key, value, duration)
[docs] class Cached: """Mixin class to invalidate cache keys on Usage:: class MyModel(Cached, models.Model): # models.Model must be last @property def cache_keys(self): return [...] ... (that's it. All cache keys will be removed whenever `` is called). """ cache_keys = []
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): for ckey in self.cache_keys: cache.remove(ckey) super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_cache_values(self): """Get all cached values for this object. .. Note:: returns None both for keys that are None and non-existant keys! """ return {ckey: cache.get_value(ckey) for ckey in self.cache_keys}
[docs] def cached(cache_key=None, timeout=3600): """Function result cache decorator. Usage:: @cached() def can_view_user(user, username): ... return True # will be cached for 1hr (3600 secs) class MenuItem(models.Model): @classmethod @cached('menu_root', 3600*24) def get_root(self): return MenuItem.objects.get(pk=1) @cached(lambda u: 'user_privileges_%s' % u.username, 3600) def get_user_privileges(user): #... """ def _cached(func): def do_cache(*args, **kws): if isinstance(cache_key, str): key = cache_key % locals() elif callable(cache_key): key = cache_key(*args, **kws) else: key = hashlib.sha1(( str(func.__module__) + str(func.__name__) + str(args) + str(kws) ).encode('ascii') ).hexdigest() # key = "FNCACHED-" + key try: return cache.get(key) except cache.DoesNotExist: data = func(*args, **kws) cache.put(key, data, timeout) return data return do_cache return _cached