dkredis - Python interface to Redis

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dkredis.dkredis module

Interface to our redis instance.

Redis command reference:


from dkredis import dkredis
r = dkredis.connect()
r.set('foo', 'bar')

Python interface peculiarities are explained here:

The windows version of the redis server that we use is from —-

exception dkredis.dkredis.Timeout(retry=0)[source]

Bases: Exception

A timout limit was exceeded.

dkredis.dkredis.connect(host=None, port=6379, db=0, password=None)[source]

Return a connection to the redis server.

dkredis.dkredis.get_dict(key, cn=None)[source]

Return a redis hash as a python dict.

dkredis.dkredis.get_pyval(key, cn=None, missing_value=None)[source]

Get a Python value from Redis.

dkredis.dkredis.mhkeyget(keypattern, field, cn=None)[source]

Get a field from multiple hashes.


>>> r = connect()
>>> r.hset('lock.a', {'x': 1})
>>> r.hset('lock.b', {'x': 2})
>>> r.hset('lock.c', {'x': 3})
>>> mhkeyget('lock.*', 'x')
{'lock.a': '1', 'lock.c': '3', 'lock.b': '2'}

# cleanup
>>> #r.delete('lock.a', 'lock.b', 'lock.c')
dkredis.dkredis.pop_pyval(key, cn=None)[source]

Get value and remove key.

dkredis.dkredis.set_dict(key, dictval, secs=None, cn=None)[source]

All values in dictval should be strings. They’ll be read back as strings – use py_setval to set dicts with any values.

dkredis.dkredis.set_pyval(key, val, secs=None, cn=None)[source]

Store any (picleable) value in Redis.

dkredis.dkredis.setmax(key, val, cn=None)[source]

Update key with the max of the current value and val:

r[key] := max(r[key], val)

returns the maximum value.

dkredis.dkredis.setmin(key, val, cn=None)[source]

Update key with the max of the current value and val:

r[key] := min(r[key], val)

returns the maximum value.

dkredis.dkredis.update(key, fn, cn=None)[source]


update(KEY, lambda val: val + 42)

dkredis.dkredislocks module

dkredis.dkredislocks.fetch_lock(apiname: str, timeout=5, cn=None)[source]

Use this lock to ensure that only one process is fetching expired cached data from an external api.

It is important to have a timeout on the lock, so it will be released even if the process crashes.

A process that doesn’t get the lock should not wait for the lock, but should wait and try using the cached data instead.


def get_weather_data():
        return cache.get('weatherdata')
    except cache.DoesNotExist:
        with fetch_lock('weatherapi') as should_fetch:
            if should_fetch:
                weatherdata = fetch_weather_data()
                cache.put('weatherdata', weatherdata, 60)
                return weatherdata
                # another process is fetching data, wait for it
                return cache.get_value('weatherdata', default=None)
dkredis.dkredislocks.mutex(name, seconds: int = 30, timeout: int = 60, unlock: bool = True, waitsecs: int = 3)[source]

Lock the name for seconds, waiting waitsecs seconds between each attempt at locking the name. Locking means creating a key ‘dkredis:mutex:’ + key.

It will raise a Timeout exception if more than timeout seconds has elapsed.


from dkredis import dkredis

with dkredis.lock('mymutex'):
    # mutual exclusion zone ;-)
dkredis.dkredislocks.rate_limiting_lock(resources, seconds=30, cn=None)[source]

Lock all the keys and keep them locked for seconds seconds. Useful e.g. to prevent sending email to the same domain more often than every 15 seconds.

XXX: Currently doesn’t recover from crashed clients (can be done as

an else: clause to the if r.msetnx(), similarly to the mutex function (below).

dkredis.rediscache module

Object cache implementation using redis as a backend.

class dkredis.rediscache.Cached[source]

Bases: object

Mixin class to invalidate cache keys on


class MyModel(Cached, models.Model):   # models.Model must be last
    def cache_keys(self):
        return [...]

(that’s it. All cache keys will be removed whenever is called).

cache_keys = []

Get all cached values for this object.


returns None both for keys that are None and non-existant keys!

save(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class dkredis.rediscache.cache[source]

Bases: object

Python value cache.


from dkredis.rediscache import cache

    v = cache.get(key)
except cache.DoesNotExist:
    v = mk_object_value(...)
        key, v,
        duration=secs)  # or datetime.duration()

you can use a datetime value for the valid_until parameter, or anything the timeperiod.when() function accepts.

exception DoesNotExist[source]

Bases: Exception

Value not in cache (possibly due to expiration).

classmethod get(key)[source]

Fetch value for key from redis.

classmethod get_value(key, default=None)[source]
classmethod ping()[source]
classmethod put(key, value, duration=None)[source]

Put value in cache, under key, for duration seconds.

static rediskey(key)[source]

The redis key is obj-cache. + the md5 hexdigest of its serialization.

classmethod remove(key)[source]

Remove key from cache.

dkredis.rediscache.cached(cache_key=None, timeout=3600)[source]

Function result cache decorator.


def can_view_user(user, username):
    return True   # will be cached for 1hr (3600 secs)

class MenuItem(models.Model):
    @cached('menu_root', 3600*24)
    def get_root(self):
        return MenuItem.objects.get(pk=1)

@cached(lambda u: 'user_privileges_%s' % u.username, 3600)
def get_user_privileges(user):
class dkredis.rediscache.djangocache[source]

Bases: object

Django facade to the rediscache.

classmethod get(key, default=None)[source]
classmethod set(key, value, duration)[source]
dkredis.rediscache.writeln(*args, **kw)[source]

dkredis.utils module


Converts the input object to bytes.


r (object): The input object to convert.

bytes: The converted object as bytes. If the input object is

already of type ‘bytes’, it is returned as is.

If the input object is of type ‘str’, it is encoded to bytes using the ‘utf-8’ encoding.

For any other input object, it is converted to a string and then encoded to bytes using the ‘utf-8’ encoding.

dkredis.utils.is_valid_identifier(s: str) bool[source]

Return True if s is a valid python identifier.


Return timestamp n seconds from now.[source]

Return timestamp.


Return a unique id.

Indices and tables